Monday, July 17, 2006

Why I Should Not be Allowed to Work for Corporate America...

mood: sweating bullets (look out, or you might get shot!)
music: The Beatles :)
random word: split

I discovered today that it is ilegal to pop popcorn at work. So naturally, I had just finished challegning any man who would stop me to a duel (I was conveniently wearing in my hair the pink, plastic sword that I got out of my virgin daiquiri the other night; you never know when you might need it) and had gone back to the boring and tedious process of filing yet again. It was then that something extraodrindary happened. Well, maybe not extraordinary. Maybe just ridiculous. Maybe just a little sad. Wait, double-check the author of this post. Ok, maybe just believable.

For some unknown reason, I was suddenly struck by the urge to laugh. It started as a simple smile, mumkin a bit of a grimace, then a discreet giggle and pretty soon I was nearly drowning in my own guffaws. Yes, it is safe to say that I was hysterical. As most of you know, this is not all that unusual for me and probably wouldn't have been a real problem if it hadn't been for the circumstance under which it occurred: I was alone in a cubicle in an office as silent as the grave and nothing funny was happening.

The more I became aware of the oddity of the situation, the harder I started laughing and the more terrified I grew that someone would call security because I was clearly a threat to the accepted mundaneness and general sanity (this is perhaps the only place in the world where I find that these two characteristics actually coincide) of the office.

So I bolted over to Kaleb (the other intern)'s cubicle so that I could pretend I was laughing at something he said. But when he asked me what was going on, I couldn't muster the breath to tell him. So he started laughing too. And all of a sudden, it was like a party. I found it shockingly uplifting, considering the setting. One day I will write a book: "A Guide to Time-and-Cost-Effective Techniques for Brightening Your Office Morale." Just send in a crazy person, it always works.


At 7:45 PM, Blogger Becky said...

hahaha. what a wonderful story :)

i believe this post should be titled "why i should be allowed to work for corporate america". corporate america needs more people like that. unfortunately, people like that don't need (and don't want) corporate america.

i feel like this is a scene right out of a movie. just by laughing for no reason whatsoever, the heroine lifts everyone's spirits, and somehow, everyone begins to laugh. and all hard feelings and miserable thoughts are forgotten, even for just 5 minutes. cata, when i become a famous movie director, i'm making a movie about you. :)

At 3:30 AM, Blogger Laura said...

Read my post and find out why I'm laughing so hard about your hysterical outburst.


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