Apologizing in advance for the lameness of this post
mood: avoiding getting Yellow Fever
music: radiobilingue
random word: boligrafo
Ok, so what happens when my family goes away and I am ;eft in charge of the house for 2 weeks? Many things. Among them not is checking the blog. Reading sentence again. Wondering if something is wrong. Choosing to move on. Growing sleepy. It is 8:30. I think it's because I am currently battling Yellow Fever. Oh and Typhoid. And Hepatitus A. So yay! It's like a part of antibodies! They're all hanging out drinking rum inside of me. And the world is spinning a little bit when I look at it. Oh well, at least they'll let me into Uruguay. I hope.
I am going to admit that I haven't read the blog yet so if I seem ignorant it's because I am. I would like to start by saying that I love each and every one of you. I don't know why, I just felt it would be appropriate to say. I feel like I can't think. This must be boring to read. So I shall tell you about my life this week. I went up to Midd on Friday night with Laura and Sid, where I spent 2 days speaking Italian with Kevin (somehow, it was quite amazing, I totally have to learn Italian for real). Then, we visited Juliana and spoke Spanish all day Saturday! It was really great to see Juliana, Mario, and their baby, Erik. They are so wonderful. And then we went out to Tully & Marie's with Kevin and Becky where we sat in a corner quietly and stealthily (ok, picturing myself being quiet and stealthy and mumkin la) anyways, we spoke English. But shh...don't tell. The next morning we ate brunch at Ross and it made me sad that it made me so happy to eat at ROSS. We ran into a couple of Arabic schoolers and had a grand ole time speaking Arabic. Basically I would describe my weekend as an orgasmic explosion of languages. I was in Heaven. Not to mention I was at Middlebury and surrounded by friends that I hadn't seen in a while. It was quite nice. Worthy of a few tears. Which broke out as I was crossing College Street between Gifford and Forest. Poeverino Tiberio trying to console me in Italian as I screamed the realization that I was leaving in due settimane. Which is now more like a week and a half. Oh, and Kevin and I are mumkin the coolest people in the whole world. What did we do Saturday? Not much, just hang out watching Finding Nemo in Italian projected onto the wall of Atwater Dining Hall, speaking Italian with some pretty cool cats and you know, smoke a hookah. Your typical Saturday night fun, I would say.
Things I've learned this week:
~ You have to dial 011 if you want to make an international call. Yes, I called Uruguay and talked to my host mom, who seems super cool!!! Her name is Ana del Bene and as soon as I know the address (I probably should have asked) I'll post it.
~ My brother cannot be trusted to be in our house by himself. I won't rant but basically during the time that I was at work tyring to earn money so that I can survive a year in Uruguay without working illegally, my super cool bro managed to use 5 bowls, 4 plates, 7 glasses, 3 water bottles, half a drawer of silverware, a sacepan and a collander (all of which he left in a huge mess all over the kitchen for me to clean up), eat my food that I had to go to the grocery store and buy with that money that I earn by getting up at 6:00 every morning (not that he would understand because he has never worked a day in his life), open my bank statement which came in the mail and use it argue that I certianly have enough money to pay for food for him and all of his obnoxious friends, especially the one that always stares at me in weird ways and is ALWAYS here, leave the garage door open after leaving late last night, which is not exactly my idea of safe when I am sleeping alone in my house and there have actually been breaking and enterings on my street, let my dog eat an entire box of cookies so that I had to clean up vomit this morning and poop this afternoon (supertypooperty exciting).
On the brighter side, it's raining, and ever since those last 2 days of school, that always makes me think of my 2 very wonderful friends, even if it is just a tinge of guilt and lameness that I feel for holding an umbrella as I wait for the bus in my work clothes.
SUCH a crazy language-orgy of a weekend. I'm still so exhausted.
Yay for your host mom!! I'm still too terrified to call mine.
And I, too, am possessed by the essences of typhoid and hepatitus A.
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