Monday, July 10, 2006

Middlebury Update

mood: tired. very tired. kind of headachey.
music: ундервуд
random word: ремонтировать

Ok, guys, they totally ripped down Hillcrest (the building behind Gifford, next to Proctor) today! It was actually really cool - they had big bulldozers out and basically pushed the whole building in on itself. Well, it was cool except when they started at like 6:30. That wasn't so cool. Adam Irish (mr. big man on the SGA) says they're building some kind of environmental studies building there or something. The whole thing came down though, and now it's just a big pile of wood....

Crazy, huh?

Anyway, just thought I'd keep you all updated on the Middlebury happenings.

Ahem, that is all.


At 6:29 PM, Blogger Laura said...

Ahh! Sad! I had my freshman seminar there!


Now where will all the nice little Spanish teachers live?

On second thought, mumkin they will build a nice new place for good little Brainerd students to live. Yay!


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