Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Raindrops keep falling on my head...

mood: wonderful. absolutely wonderful.
music: машина времени
random word: лужа

About four hours ago, I walked into my suite and I was feeling horrible. I was tired. I was bored. I was supposed to be doing homework. I was procrastinating from any homework I was supposed to be doing. I wanted to go home. I wanted to speak English. I, literally, groaned and whined, and Marina laughed at me.

About four minutes ago, I walked into my suite and couldn't have felt better. Marina and I just went on a puddle hunt around campus. It's raining, quite hard. And we went running and dancing and jumping around campus (it kind of reminded me of a certain last day of school with a certain 2 wonderful friends of mine...). And now I feel sooo much better. :) Somehow that was exactly what I needed. I love that something so simple can make me feel so happy. And because all of you make me feel happy too, I thought I'd share. So if you're feeling crappy, go running in the rain. It'll work, I promise.

p.s. I just realized I wrote Marina instead of Marion. Yes, I did mean Marion. haha. oh, Russian names.

Oh, and my mood was, of course, also lifted a hundred times by reading the new title of this blog. :D I literally laughed out loud. In a "give me 2 hours, I'll be there" kind of way, obviously. While my spirits have been lifted, I'm still itching to get out of here. Thank goodness my family is coming on Friday. I don't know what I'd do if I still had a week to go...


At 10:20 AM, Blogger Laura said...

I have nothing really specific to say except that you're lovely and I miss you.


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