Monday, July 17, 2006

Today, I ate a Proctor panini.

mood: hot. again. that's it. there's nothing else.
music: машина времени
random word: пешёчина

Yes, that's right, I had lunch in Proctor today. It was wonderful.

I met with the directors of the School in France because they're on campus. This also meant that I had to speak French...but I couldn't! Every word out of my mouth was in Russian, and I literally had to pause before every word because if I didn't, it would come out in Russian. It was so weird! Before, it's always been that when trying to speak Russian, a French word comes out, because I've always known French better than Russian. I don't think I know Russian better than French now, but I think it just has to do with the fact that I've been thinking in Russian for the past 4 weeks. But anyway, it was just really weird. It was cool, though, to have to switch back and forth between languages in one day. :) I felt like a true linguist, or polyglot, or something...

On a completely unrelated note, but not really, at dinner tonight I talked with a guy who is a student at Lawrence University, studying linguistics. It was fun, and I remembered why I love linguists. It was just cool because we immediately had a connection - we both knew that the other one was interested in the same thing we were interested in. They don't have a real program at Lawrence either, although, it seems like they have a little bit better program than Midd (although better than nothing isn't saying much). I also decided that if I had to narrow my linguistics studies right now, I would want to specialize in two things: language acquisition, and semantics/pragmatics. I've realized that pragmatics is exactly all things I'm interested in linguistics (...well, obviously not all, because I feel like I'm interested in all linguistics, but the most narrow things, I suppose). Here, go here: Actually, that's a cool site because it's got a couple of really good, concise articles about the different fields of linguistics. But anyway, pragmatics has to do with language past the grammar books, is how I look at it. It says ok, here are the grammar rules, and here are all the definitions of words, now how do we actually use all of that? So it takes into account things like idioms and slang. It looks at how people use their language to interact... it's all about meaning, instead of just grammar and definitions. Anyway, it just got me excited to pin it down like that. And if you go to that website I pasted above, and look at the "applications" section, it's cool - those are all totally things I could see myself doing. Oh, and it says, "can help make us more aware and effective communicators" - is that not exactly what Linguistic Moments would do? :)

Ok. I'm going back to the lounge cause it's air conditioned. I'm actually seriously considering sleeping in there girl already said she definitely is going to. If it doesn't cool off soon, I just might die. That wouldn't be very fun, I don't think.


At 3:28 AM, Blogger Laura said...

I'm not jealous of you for the crazy heat, but man, what I'd give for a Proctor panini these days.

And very cool to that linguistic connection!


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