Friday, July 07, 2006

And the Oscar goes to...

mood: pleased
music: Ногу Свело (Greg said it reminded him of Billy...I'm not so sure yet, but it's good)
random word: пьеса

Ok, so Oscar, not quite. BUT we found out our roles for the play! First of all, the play is Горе от ума (Gore ot uma, or Woe from Wit). It's by Aleksandr Griboyedov, and is basically your classic early 19th century comment on high society. I was reading about it online, and apparently it's a really famous Russian play. They called it the "Russian Hamlet" a couple times, so that's pretty cool. Oh, and Colin Firth played Chatsky (the hero - one website said that a good Chatsky is as revered in Russia as a good Hamlet is in England) in a translated production of it. Hah. That made me laugh.

So, I'm the babushka! :) It's a pretty small role, but that's fine with me, and I was expecting that. And it's, in my opinion, one of the better smaller roles. I mean, there's 3 daughters who are boring, or "Mrs. N" and "Mrs. D", and I mostly just didn't want to get one of them. The grandmother is funny, at least. It'll be more fun, so that's good. And Grisha (haha. Greg. his Russian name is Grisha.) is basically the village idiot. No, maybe not idiot, but he's the one no one likes and is a gossiper and gambler, and I think drunk too. It should be a fun role too.

Mostly, I'm just excited to be doing this. It'll be fun. hehe. Yay!!


At 6:35 PM, Blogger Laura said...

And you will heretoforward be known as Babushka Becky.

No, seriously.


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