Sunday, June 25, 2006

I miss air conditioning.

mood: tired
music: trucks and motorcycles speeding down college street
random word: союз

It's 9:30. I went to bed at 1. I have been up for over an hour. I want it to stop being hot so that I can have a full night sleep... And by that I mean it looks like today is going to be one of the most beautiful days ever, and the heat is just the only thing I have to blame my lack of sleep on. Even though it's not really that hot.

Anyway, last night we played Risk. It was pretty amusing. Adam Irish has now made his very own "Risk Dictionary" which includes phrases like "My heart is bleeding" and "Iron Curtain". Somehow, I made it through almost the entire game with about one or two countries. And had I just gotten a set of cards at the end, it was quite possible that I could have taken over the world from lonely Kamchatka. But apparently the cards weren't in my favor.

Oh! I also wanted to say that on the weekend of July 21 we have a break. We don't have classes on Friday, and then we're allowed to do whatever for the weekend. Meaning we can go home and speak English or whatever we want. (If we stay on campus we're supposed to keep speaking Russian, though.) BUT my point is that anyone who lives in this area should do something that weekend. Because I miss you guys. And because I don't want to spend a boring weekend here speaking Russian. Cata and Laura - are you guys down south already by that weekend? Anyway, that's my idea. If it doesn't work out, I may just go home, which would be nice too.

Miss you all!


At 2:05 PM, Blogger Laura said...

That's the weekend we both take off to South America, unfortunately :-\ We were wondering, though, if we could visit you the weekend after next (July 7-9). How easy would it be for us to snatch you up from, say, an innocent trip into town?

At 3:51 PM, Blogger Becky said...

yes!! yes!! yes!! yes!!
it would be quite easy. so easy, in fact, that probably all you'd have to do is tell me where and when and i'd be there. :D

the weekend after next...that has such a nice ring to it. :)


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