I may actually be physically ADDICTED to the Blog...
mood: drinking Milk Tea from Michael that I found in fridge (really big smile, sigh.)
music: there's this huge fly buzzing around my head right now and I can't hear anything else
random word: zebra
So yesterday I randomly got sick and had to take a taxi home from work (which is expensive and blows). Probably part of the reason I was so hot Sunday night that I couldn't fall asleep. Anyways, I crawled into bed at like 3:30 in the afternoon. As I lay there, I couldn't get it out of my head that I should check the blog and post. I don't know why, but it was like this burning thing that I HAD to do. I was too disoriented to get out of bed so I started planning out my post in my head. Luckily I fell asleep before I managed to get anywhere near a computer because when I woke up again at 8:00 (in the evening even though I though it was morning), I realized that I must have been totally delerious earlier. All I remember was that the post I had so desperately felt I needed to write had consisted of a list of words that I thought sounded cool...among them: rainbow, enchanting, lollipop, chromosome (now the first three sound like something out of a little girl's picture book but where the hell did I get chromosome?) There were a whole bunch, I kid you not. I wonder how healthy this obsession with the Blog truly is...
I am on the phone with you and we are talking about how much we love comments. So I'm commenting!
I looooove you!
Except I can't really focus on what I'm writing because I'm talking with you too and I keep almost typing things we're saying like IT'S SO HOT!! and I CAN'T GET TO MY NAILPOLISH!!
And this comment has lost all coherence.
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