Thursday, June 22, 2006

Today we discussed bottles of vodka in the shape of Pushkin's head...

mood: a mixture of exhaustion and delight
music: Кино
random word: общество

lows: this really horrible headache i've had all day and can't get rid of. it went away for about 2 hours after dinner, but now it seems to be back. -- missing people...such as all of you. -- first big test tomorrow that i should have studied more for, but my headache is coming back, so i'm probably just going to go to sleep instead.

highs: studying outside with Marion. -- laughing a lot over the phrase "с Адамом", which (for those of you who have not recently finished memorizing the Cyrillic alphabet...) is pronounced "s Adamom" and means "with Adam". -- fleeting genius moments in which i feel as though i actually can speak russian and might get the hang of it after these 9 weeks are through.

smilehighs: seeing Kyle and telling him in russian that Adam just got the rickshaw out and is giving people rides, and Kyle responding in arabic. -- Adam getting the rickshaw out, giving people rides, and us still having friends in russian school...although one guy did say "Адам странный человек" (Adam's a strange person). -- reading a couple Pushkin poems and really appreciating them for the first time. -- remembering this program called mytunes and how amazing it is when you live in a dorm (aka finally getting more russian music!!).


At 11:42 AM, Blogger Laura said...

Я люблю вас. Я пропускаю вас. Мы украдем вас от русской школы и обнимем вас очень скоро:)


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