Thursday, June 15, 2006

A week is a very long time...

mood: dappled and drowsy
music: GBS
random word: tweedledee

Things I haven't done in a week:

1) check email

2) check blogg :(

3) look at a computer screen for any reason whatsoever

4) get more than 6 hours of sleep

5) eat normal food for dinner

6) think straight

Things I HAVE done this week:

1) shoot a gun (thought I'd start out with a BANG! pun intended, i.e. you can laugh). no, for real. I only hit the target once but then apparently the sight was off so I really shouldn't have hit it at all...

2) miss the blogg

3) mentally rank my life according to whether or not events that occur are bloggworthy

4) think about the blogg a lot

5) start working 40 hours a week at an office job at an insurance company that basically involves me going through 7,800 files to determine whether the service contracts are original, copies or from Asia. Yes, "from Asia" is its own category.

6) make over 20 trips to the mailroom already to get the files and make BIG enemies with the mailroom workers because my intern access card doesn't let me into the mailroom so I have to knock on the door. Also, I stole their cart.

7) have my first conference call. We (and by "we" I mean my boss) talked to the heads of our project at the different company branches all over the country and I may have accidentally spent the entire time completely ignoring what anyone was saying and concentrating wholeheartedly on analyzing their speech patterns to figure out what regional office they were from.

7) wake up at 6:00 in the morning (4 days and counting...)

8) eat lunch with DAN KELLEY (4 days and counting...)

9) go on a supertydooperawesomishfantasmarific roadtrip to visit Laura and Becky and only get lost once on the way home from Becky's (so apparently there are 2 roads named 291; one in Massachusetts and one in Connecticut. They are NOT the same road. This is the same mistake our Spanish professor made when we were following her to UConn. I probably should have been aware of it. But then again, I may or may not have been on the phone (I knew it was illegal in NY and CT so I decided to take my chances and use it in MA where it is probably illegal too but at least I would be legitimately ignorant when the cop asked me if I knew the law).

10) write a poem...

(see next post if you are interested)

P.S. I haven't actually READ the blogg since I am too tired and way behind. I swear I'll catch up tomorrow. I love and miss you all. And also really wish I had a computer at work. And apologize for the lack of bright colors (literally and figuratively) in this post as it has come to my attention that Corporate America eats away at your brain cells and kills your creativity.



At 11:34 PM, Blogger Tiberio said...

And I'm just going to assume that you shooting off a firearm is actually a good idea.

At 1:54 AM, Blogger Laura said...

I was WONDERING where you've been!

My gosh do I love you. And yes, I am SUPER proud of you for thinking about your life in terms of what is blogworthy. I kind of relate.

At 3:37 AM, Blogger Tiberio said...

As we all know, I make lists in my sleep. I am not asleep yet, though I should be any moment. Still, I wanted to add to my first comment and give ten reasons to explain exactly why I love our beloved Muffin Caper, the Mumkin Princess herself, Caitlin Heather Vincek.
1. She’s armed and dangerous.
2. She created the word supertydooperawesomishfantasmarific®.
3. She writes poetry.
4. She is inspired by Simon and Garfunkle in her mood… but only temporarily.
5. She’s hot.
6. She takes a conference call, ignores what Corporate America wants her to think is the important stuff, and turns it into a linguistics survey.
7. She is fond of the number seven.
8. She lunches with Dan Kelley.
9. She steals vehicles from her company.
10. She makes my day (or my half-past three in the morning) a whole lot more smiley.


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