Wednesday, June 14, 2006

You want the moon? Just say the word and I'll throw a lasso around it and pull it down.

mood: anxious, but at the moment, content
music: still the one, orleans
random word: ёж (translation: hedgehog. pronunciation: yoj)

So, first of all, let me say that I promise I'm not freaking out nearly as much as I was when I wrote my last post. What I realized is that it's not actually russian school that's freaking me out. I mean, I'm nervous for it, but I'm also excited, and I think it's going to be quite the adventure. I realized, though, that the reason I was freaking out is because after russian school comes a full year abroad, and after that comes senior year and after that comes the rest of my life. I've had a knot in my stomach for the past few days, and it's because I can see the end of Middlebury on the horizon. And I don't know, maybe that's crazy, because we are only halfway done with college. It's just that I expected to have this feeling at some point during senior year when I actually have to figure out what I'm doing with my life, but about 2 days ago the feeling crept up on me and surprised me early. It's the thought that I'm saying good-bye to everyone for a year, and then I come back. But a year after that, I'll have to say good-bye to everyone forever. Maybe I sound crazy, but anyway, that's what was actually freaking me out more than just russian school.

On a lighter note, I just watched the AFI's 100 most inspirational movies of the century. Number 1 was good old Jimmy (Stewart, that is) in It's a Wonderful Life. :) And that just made me smile. In fact, Jimmy made it twice in the top 5 -- number 5 was Mr. Smith Goes to Washington. :D Number 2 was To Kill a Mockingbird, which is also quite rightly earned. And, because I know you were all wondering, Cool Hand Luke definitely made it on there at around 70 or so. *sigh* So so so good.

So tomorrow is clean-up/organize/pack day. Today I went out, got my haircut, and bought random stuff that I need, like shampoo and stuff. Oh, and yesterday I bought 501 Russian Verbs, written by Mr. Thomas Beyer of the Middlebury Russian Department. So basically, I'm more than ready. I really am. I'm not so nervous anymore. Anxious, but not nervous. Oh, and I just wanted to say, Greg, that I'm really glad you're going to be there. It's been nice talking to you about it the past few days or so, and it'll be good to have a friend. :)

Anyway, I will probably be calling a lot of you tomorrow, or you should call me, because I want to talk to you before I leave, which is Friday at some time in the afternoon or so. I love you all, and will talk to you soon or not so soon or just at some point... eek! ;)


At 12:29 AM, Blogger Laura said...

How about for the rest of our lives, we just keep learning new languages and going back to Middlebury in the summers and travel around and eat showtune and Billy Joel themed ice cream?

I think this would make the transition a tad easier.

Sending all of my love.

At 9:26 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

if i don't get to talk with you becky, best of luck at russian school.

and i will covertly send you a heads up when i'm bringing drew up to check out the campus and you two can jabber russian at each other.

as for the language learning tradition, i'm more than all for it. actually, anyone want to learn portuguese with me?

At 11:39 AM, Blogger Becky said...

i think that's the best idea i've heard in a very long time. middlebury, traveling, music and ice couldn't be better.

and p.s. remember when dan pretends he's an anthropology major and not a linguist? "anyone want to learn portuguese with me"...psh.

At 12:52 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

you see, cape cod (or at least the hyannis area) is apparently composed of a great many portuguese people and there is a thriving portuguese culture, so i heard a lot of the language while there and was intrigued.

also, there is a huge amount of irish folk. heard some awesome accents while hanging around town. i also want to learn irish-gaelic.

i was going to follow this with some sort of witty remark defending my choice of major and then i realized you are exactly win this one, Bdawg

ps. code word: xizidium. sounds like a neat element or something.

At 1:59 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

for the record - i wasn't upset about the portuguese thing, i was just sharing the reason why i was interested

becky and i are friends. i like becky. i hope she likes me too :)

At 2:05 PM, Blogger Becky said...

i like you too, dan, but just for the record, you don't win.


At 2:18 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

um, hold on one moment there beckster.

i believe you have forgotten the cardinal rule of our friendship:

I always win.

(and i know i said otherwise before, but basically i was lying to make you feel good about yourself)


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