Saturday, June 03, 2006

Dayum, that is a sweet blog, you might say

mood: hungry
music: Great Big Sizzle!
random word: tmesis

Hello, World of Blog!

So, I've kinda been out of it these past few days. Just sorta been wandering around the house not doing much, particularly in the line of social interaction. Sorry for not returning your call, Ali! We will definitely be gossiping Project Runway as soon as I get some news from (most wonderfully snarky place on the web that I know of. Except for this blog). H'anyway, you got the Reader's Digest version of my escapades after departing Midd in the high/low e-mail, but I just wanted to say again how awesome it was to see the people I got to see for a brief extension of a crazy wonderful year. I still haven't finished unpacking.

Living with my family, I keep on oscillating between "they're not so bad" and "shutupshutupshutupshutup". I know that they really aren't that bad, and I can just be irritable, but sometimes I wonder. I was sitting here in the basement on the only computer that has non-dial-up access to the internet while my laptop was around the corner playing some GBS on the speakers. My father comes down with some papers (he uses this space as a sort of office when he's working on his book. [The book is on "Colby Jack", a baseball player who played at Colby College, then in the major leagues for a few years before he got typhoid.] he's never written a book before, so I'm excited to see how it turns out.) H'anyway, he goes around the corner where my brother's playing video games, and after a short while, I hear the music cut out. Huh? "I don't know what I did..." Good omen. He had been inspecting my computer and had pushed the screen down far enough so that it pushed that little button that puts it asleep. Not a huge deal, it's just annoying that he didn't say "Hey, Kevin, I want to check out the damage to your computer. Can you show me what's wrong with it?" in stead of just having at it himself. And we've had words before about him messing around my computer without telling me. Granted, he wasn't going through the actual contents of the computer this time, but still. It makes me go "hrmph."

The good news is, I've been playing enough Great Big Sea that I'm starting to get my family to notice and like it :)

Also, there's some big gossip in the family. My second cousin, Jessica, is a teacher in New York, and a few years ago encountered a student for whom she had a soft spot. Most all of his family was in prison, or jail, or rehab, or dead, or some combination of the above. So, basically, she takes him home with her. Jessica's parents, particularly her mother Barbara, are tremendously fond of him. So, they adopt him, and for the last two years or so, he has been part of the family. Being a Martinez in a family of Muzzio's, he kinda stuck out at family gatherings, but we all rather liked him, and as of last summer, when I saw them all last, everyone seemed to be getting along famously.

Clearly, I had not been up-to-date with the family gossip this year. Seems that the guy has been doing some serious drugs, hanging out with the gang that he used to get into trouble with, and being rather impossible for Barbara to handle (and looking at Jessica, you know that Barbara can handle a lot). And now he's been jailed for trying to steal something like sixty thousand dollars, and Barbara needs to pay for the lawyer. And he got some girl pregnant. I always used to think that the Tierneys were the most vanilla of all the cousins, but this kinda takes it to the next level. I'm sure I'll be hearing all about it this August at Cousins' Weekend, our annual get-together where we eat, bicker, drink, eat, fight, eat, play the "not-so-special Olympics", drink, eat, open up old wounds, drink, yell, eat and have a generally fabulous time. And eat. Twenty Italian-Americans, seventy-two hours, one farmhouse in North Bumblefuck, New York.

I am eagerly anticipating :)



At 10:56 AM, Blogger Laura said...

Martinez, eh? *eyes light up*

I kid, I kid.

And *hug* re: the family stuff. I know.


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