Saturday, June 03, 2006

Help, help, I'm being repressed!

mood: a gray skies kind of sedentary
music: catch my disease, ben lee
random word: piano

Everyone go here:
"Emu Crashes Kindegarten Graduation". Hilarious. And, Ali, I expect a full, behind the scenes report as soon as possible.

It's raining today. And not even a fun, thunderstormy, exciting rain. It's just gray. And rainy. And depressing. So depressing, in fact, that I plan to take my Russian placement exam for summer school today. Oh yes, it's going to be an exciting day.

In other news, I was watching TV and saw an ad for Payless that used "Don't Make Me Wait" by Locksley! I was pretty excited...such a good song.

And lastly, Cata and I have worked out our trip down to New Jersey so that it works! (assuming a stamp of approval from Cata's parents) And yes, I did just want to rub it in all your faces. Mwahahaha. I'm so excited!! :D And Laura said she was taking us to a "Music Man Ice Cream Parlor" in which they make you do ridiculous things to get your ice cream, and then they sing you SHOWTUNES!!! So, basically, it's going to be the best trip ever. Look out Jersey Shore, it's time for the Midd invasion!

Oh, and to explain the title, my dad and I introduced Abbey to Monty Python and the Holy Grail last night. And, of course, being Abbey, she loved it. And it had been way too long since I had seen that movie. Oh man, so funny.


At 3:25 PM, Blogger Cata said...

I wish I could dance in the rain with Becky and Michael :(

At 4:39 PM, Blogger Tiberio said...

So, um, do you guys pass by central/east Massachusetts on the way down to Jersey? 'Cause I'm always looking for ways to fill my time, and filling time with Middlings is the best damn thing I can think of.

(And "ctjzdt"? C'mon, at least give me a vowel to work with. My best guess is a mild Czech profanity.)

At 10:54 AM, Blogger Laura said...

SO excited SO excited SO excited *starts making lists of all the fun cool things we can do*


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