Saturday, August 26, 2006

This is me with a very big *SMILE* on my face!!!!

mood: happy happY hapPY haPPY hAPPY HAPPY!!!!!!!!
music: Gipsy Kings
random word: online

And why might there be a very big smile on my face?, you may ask. Mumkin because I HAVE INTERNET IN MY ROOM!!!!!!!!!! That's right, no more going to smelly cybercafes with little kids running around screaming in incomrehensible Spanish over their videogames as you sit in the corner looking for the question mark or the @ on that cursed keyboard and visibly going through an entire roller-coaster of emotions as you read the various emails, blog posts and comments from all those dear to you. Yes, now I can laugh and cry and do whatever else I please (including a.i.m.!!!) in the privacy of my own room!

As you have most likely already noticed, this post is going to be slightly lower on the entertainment factor as its purpose is to inform you that in addition to being in Uruguay, I am now officially plugged in. This opens a new chapter of communication possibilities, the most exciting of which is SKYPE. I'm under Cata513 (or I think you can search with my full name). If you already have it, seek me out. If not, what are you waiting for? Get it! Talking computer-to-computer is FREE, which is way better than...not mentioning any names...(cough) Dad! paying $30 for a 15-minute call...

Besos y abrazos para todos,



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