mood: nostalgic
music: billy and more billy
random word: pickles
all i want to say is that i miss you all. so very much. and this blog is making me oh-so-happy.
love and hugs to all of you.
Does being a little hoe make me a "hoette"? What is the diminutive in this case? ------- I didn't know garden implements required the diminutive. If you are a ho, however...
mood: nostalgic
mood: sooooo sleepy. bed soon
mood: chocolate-dipped strawberries
Have recently learned that sleeping on bed with polar fleece sheets, wool blanket and down comforter on steamy-hot summer night is not best path to restfulness and relaxation, although it may in fact be best path to waking up in middle of night thinking you are floating serenely atop cool, blue waters of swimming pool only to find you are dangerously close to drowning in pool of own sweat.
Am really excited about sleeping on cotton tonight after embarking on mad laundry spree and replacing hot, sweaty winter blankets with soft, thin Jersey-knit (almost as good as sleeping with Laura) cotton sheets. Also placed Hershey kiss pillow on bed (all other pillows being some shade of orange in color failed to match scheme of pink that was room in high school) and, besides the random and shockingly powerful cravings for chocolate at midnight, am feeling slightly more comfortable in old bed. Am heading there now in fact.
Will dream of you all.
Have not yet mastered art of lucid dreaming and will most likely end up dreaming about something entirely irrelevant and divorced from daily life. Am quite used to it by now.
mood: wary
mood: full (of yummy food)
mood: relaxed, but wishing i was back in ct
mood: mostly bored, a bit sleepy
mood: sunny
Hi friends!
So, I've been telling myself, "I'll post on the MiddBlog once things get interesting around here." Then, after a couple of days of that ("Hey Michelle! It's nice out! Let's play outside!" "*grumble* Too much homework..." and "Hey Christyn! What a great day! Let's hang out!" "*groan* I'm too tired...") I gave up on waiting. Ah well. Such is summer.
Actually, I'm sort of lying. Break started off fantasmically at least with a few days at Union and then a weekend in NYC seeing shows with Shannon, Jess, and Ali. Altar Boyz? Laughed the whole time at the Catholic dance moves and the flaming pretty boy band member named Mark. Dirty Rotten Scoundrels? Missed Joanna Gleason terribly, but watching Norbert Leo Butz break character to crack up was priceless. Drowsy Chaperone? PHENOMENAL PHENOMENAL PHENOMENAL - every showtune lover (or not) MUST see this show. It's basically a musical within a comedy, where Bob Martin plays a witty and adorable sap for musical theater and puts on a record of an old 1930s musical, which then unfolds in the middle of his dingy apartment. It's corny on purpose and you laugh the whole way through as Bob adds his commentary. Plus Sutton Foster is a gem, as always. I got practically the whole cast to sign my playbill afterward and then brilliantly lost it. No points for me. We made a new friend by posting our extra ticket on broadwayworld.com half an hour before the show started and waiting at the door as "Nicole" sprinted across the city and slid into the theater as the lights were going down. Sweet. I also managed to spend ridiculous amounts of money on Broadway posters (She Loves Me and The Light in the Piazza) and magnets (Into the Woods). Sidenote: High School Musical is out on DVD, and the special features include a SING-ALONG VERSION. Rock.
All right. Then it's back to suburban New Jersey reality, the highlights of which have been kidnapping Michelle so she's incapable of constantly doing homework (I pick her up from school, she gets in the car, and I announce, "All right! We're going shopping!" "NOO but I have so much..." *vrooom*), seeing Christyn's chorus concert (a B'way medley, always excellent), and listening to myself morph into a New Jersey accent several times a day.
Ah, nostalgia. It's really been super just-like-the-old-days around here. Like, I've been RUNNING every day. Me. Running. Okay, so it might be because my dad announced the other day that he signed me up for a 5-mile race ("Uh, when?" "This Saturday!" "Uhh, great, good thing I've been running..."), but still, it's neat to be actually getting exercise and spinning around my old routes like in the good old cross country days. I also took a piano lesson the other day, and I'm playing "Statues and Stories" from Piazza and that just makes me happy :) Not to mention I always feel the need to put on matchbox twenty and Goo Goo Dolls instead of Sondheim when I'm driving up and down Route 35. Saw Sara and also my friend Christine, whom I've known since birth. Gotta love the memories.
Today's agenda: planting impatiens ("Dan, I'm not allowed to plant them in my mathematical calculated spiral pattern this year." "...You've done this before?" "Uh, I don't know what you're talking about...(twice)"), washing my car, running, and getting the long-awaited HAIRCUT! Pictures to follow. So psyched.
Boredom will, in fact, set in once it sinks in that my Chile arrival date prevents me from getting a job, doing an internship, being in a show, or doing really anything except for running errands and bumming around the shore. But hey, I guess that's not so bad :)
Sending love north, south, east, and west!
- Laura
P.S. Did anyone end up picking up my package at the Midd mailroom, or should I ask them to forward it? Thanks!
mood: pretty sunshine and leaves on green trees (first thing I thought of when I looked out the window)
So as the title of this blog would suggest, I'd like to offer 100 life points (mostly because I felt particularly bad for Kevin yesterday when he walked up to the flower and wanted to press space bar to harvest it) to all members of the CT Farewell Crew for the hugs and encouraging words in Spanish, Italian, French, Latin (was there Latin?!?) and a little bit in English that I had difficulty procecssing last night as I officially left the remainder of Midd behind in the little house beside the river...tears, red wine, hugs and all.
Hugs all around,
mood: tummy butterflies
WHOA! Cata is on a blog. Can you be on a blog or do you have to be in it? Oh well...unimportant? The emphasis in that sentence is not on the preposition but rather on the subject. That's right...Cata! Cata figured out something technological while alone in her room and with no help. The apolcalypse is most definitely coming. I will not write about being sad. My walls are empty, my floor is cluttered with little piles of my life, my lamp is gone so it is dark and decidedly unsexy. I will not write about being sad.
I am in love with all of you and I miss you.
Am I supposed to sign this?